Established in 2019, Climb Hire is a BIPOC-led, equity-focused organization with a mission to prepare working adults for jobs in technology. The nonprofit was founded by Nitzan Pelman after spending a year as LinkedIn's 'Social Capital Entrepreneur In Residence' in 2018. She emerged from that experience with an important insight about the role of relationships in workforce development, especially as it pertains to economic opportunity for overlooked and hidden talent.

Design question
In order to scale its high-demand service through technology, Climb Hire sought to parse and better understand the various forms of social capital at play in any professional networking setting. What is the difference between a community and a network—if any?
Design response
Through structured design research, the team worked alongside Climb Hire management to deeply understand the economic impact of each element of its overall service offering—from technical training, to intimate community support, to the development of weak ties outside participants' inner circle. Through an intensive dive into the academic literature, corroborated by qualitative interviews, the research surfaced an important insight: social capital exists in more than one variety. Bonding capital and bridging capital are not the same—and bridging capital is the only form of social capital strongly associated with upward income mobility. After delivering the final report to Climb Hire, the team at Fraîche was invited to accompany the Climb Hire CEO on a 10-stop digital roadshow, presenting the findings to major foundations and investors.